Adjusting the basic settings for the display of turn volumes

You can specify how you want to display turn volumes. The settings apply to both, turns and main turns. To display turn volumes, you need to show them (Displaying turn volumes).

1.  On the Graphics menu, click Edit graphic parameters.

The Edit graphic parameters window opens.

Tip: Alternatively, you can open the window by clicking the Open graphic parameters button in the Turn volumes window.

2.  In the navigator, select the Turns > Turn volumes entry.

3.  Select the Layer control tab.

4.  Select the Draw turn volumes option.

5.  Make the desired changes.



Draw bars

If the option has been selected, the turns are displayed as bars.

Draw bar labels

If the option has been selected, the bars are labeled.

Draw edges

If the option has been selected, an edge is displayed in the middle of each turn.

6.  Select the General settings tab.

7.  Make the desired changes.



Use cross-section values

If the option has been selected, the values are determined based on the two directions of the object.

If the option has not been selected, the values are determined separately for each direction.


If an undirected value to be displayed is averaged, it is automatically divided by two, so that half of the undirected value counts as the upper limit for the scaling. If, for example, the scaling range is 1-1000 and the bar width is 10 mm, an undirected value of 2000 is displayed with a volume of 1000 on each side and a bar width of 10 mm.

Distance between bars

Distance between the bars in mm

Line style properties

If you have selected the Draw edges option on the Layer control tab, a line is displayed at the center of each turn. You can specify the line style in a separate window. To do so, click in the field (Setting the line style properties).

Visibility of bar labeling

The grayed out options are not available for turn volumes.

Avoid overlap when drawing

If the option is selected, labels are only displayed if they do not overlap.

Text positioning: vertical

Next to bar

If the option has been selected, the label is displayed next to the bar.

Within bar

If the option has been selected, the label is displayed within the bar.

Text distance

Distance of labels in mm


If the Next to bar option is selected, the distance to the bar is displayed.

If the Within bar option is selected, the distance to the link is indicated.

Standard for text blocks

All turns

If the option has been selected, all turns are labeled consistently.

Only incoming turns

If the option has been selected, by default, only incoming turns are labeled at turn volumes.

Only outgoing turns

If the option has been selected, by default, only outgoing turns are labeled at turn volumes.

Notes: If you change the settings in the Standard for text blocks section, a message will appear. You can decide whether the new setting is to be applied to currently displayed turn volumes.

  • Apply for all: The new setting is applied to all currently displayed turn volumes.
  • Only for standard: The new setting is applied to all turn volumes which are currently displayed according to the standard settings.
  • No modification: The current turn volume display is not changed.

If you mark a node while the Turn volumes window is open, you can select the Reset text blocks to standard entry via the shortcut menu of a visible turn volume. The text blocks are then displayed according to the current settings in the graphic parameters.

8.  Select the Text format tab.

9.  Make the desired changes.



Font and color


You can specify a Font and a Style in a separate window. To do so, click in the field.

Text size

Text size in mm


If the text size is 0.0 mm, no bar label is issued.

Label color = bar fill color

If the option has been selected, the text is displayed in the same color as the bar.

If the option has not been selected, you can select a color in the drop-down list.


We recommend this option if several bars are displayed.

Uniform label color

If this option has been selected, select a unique color for the label in the drop-down list.

Text entry


If the option has been selected, the bar label is displayed without the white background, as text only.

Draw frame

If the option is selected, the label is drawn with a frame. From the selection list, you can select the color.


You can specify the alignment and the display of several bar labels via the drop-down list:

  • Horizontal

The labels are displayed in a row.

  • Vertical

The labels are displayed one below the other.

  • Vertical + sum

All labels are displayed one below the other and underneath, the sum of the values is displayed.

  • Sum only

Only the values of the sum are displayed.

  • Matrix

The label is displayed as two-row table grid: On top, the titles are stored, underneath the values accordingly. The last column contains the total sum.

  • Line spacing

Line distance in percent of the current text size

10.  Select the Turn selection tab.

11.  Make the desired changes.



Draw bars only on active turns

If the option has been selected, bars are not drawn for passive turns.

Draw bars also on blocked turns

If the option has been selected, bars are also drawn for closed turns.

Regard all turns

If the option has been selected, bars are drawn on all turns that correspond to the above options.

Draw bars only on selected turns

If the option has been selected, you can hide bars of turns with specific attribute values. Use the button below the option to select the desired attribute.

Click the Edit button to create the classification (Displaying classified objects based on attribute values). Via the check box in the Draw column you decide whether the turns of the particular class are to be drawn.

Use layer order

If the option has been selected, you can set up the order of drawing for the bars by class. The order is specified via the numbers in the Layer column. This column appears as soon as the option is checked. By default, the network objects of the various classes are drawn in the order as specified by the order of the classes in the list.

12.  Select the Circle display tab.

13.  Make the desired changes.



Arrow display

Draw arrows

If the option has been selected, an arrow head is displayed outside of the circle, which indicates the direction.

Arrow display like first bar

The arrow heads use the color of the innermost bar.

Apply individual arrow display

You can specify a color for the arrow head in a separate window. To do so, click in the field (Editing the properties of a closed polygon).

Positioning of turn volumes at main nodes

If the network contains main nodes, you can position the associated turn volumes as follows.

At turn volume circle

If the option is selected, turn volumes at main nodes are displayed only inside of turn volume circles.

At the cordon nodes

If the option is selected, turn volumes start directly at the cordon nodes of main nodes. They are thus independent of the radius around the point object of the main node. This way, volume bars, for example, may be drawn continuously in a network with main nodes.

Circle display

Draw circle

If this option is checked, a circle is placed around each selected node. In the circles, the turns will be displayed.

Simple fill

If the option has been selected, all circles around the nodes are displayed with the color selected in the Color section. To edit the color and/or fill style, click in the field (Editing the properties of a closed polygon).

Smooth color transition

If the option has been selected, the circles around the nodes are displayed with a color gradient.

Margin color

Use the color field to specify the color at the margin of the circle.

Center color

Use the color field to specify the color at the center of the circle.

Draw border

If the option has been selected, the circles around the nodes are displayed with a border. You can specify the border style in a separate window. To do so, click in the field (Setting the line style properties).

Standard radius

Standard value for the radius of the circles around the nodes. The value is displayed in the Turn volumes window the next time you open it.

Cut off the link bars at the circle

If the option has been selected, link bars are not displayed within the turn volume circles.

14.  Confirm with OK.

For turn volumes, the basic configuration has been set up. Now you have to define the bars and their individual display properties under Turns > Turn volumes > Display (Defining one or multiple bars and Setting the display properties of a bar).